Axtra Programs

At TBM, we are committed to deliver Axtra value

Axtra Rewards

Because you deserve the best

Find exciting rewards, additional value & privileged benefits for joining TBM's member program.

Axtra Protect

Extend your peace of mind

Extend the original manufacturer warranty coverage on your purchased products for up to 5 years with other additional benefits.

Axtra Fast

Delivering on demand

Same-day delivery & installation specially arranged to meet your needs.

Axtra Dreams

Making your home complete

Our professional consultation program to help you get your dream home ready.

Axtra Smart

Everything's in control

A one-stop smart solution to bring your home to the next level of modern lifestyle.

Axtra Tips

Simplify your day

A handy tips and tricks that make life so much easier.

Axtra Connect

Creating value,
Creating possibilities

Delivering additional value to customers through new forms of businesses collaborations.

Axtra Blue

For the love of Earth

Become a part of a caring community to protect the environment and empower those in need.

Explore, Engage, Enjoy!

Embark on a unique and immersive journey to discover new products and solutions for a remarkable lifestyle.