Get exclusive #FreeGift during Celebrate the Malaysian Spirit with Tefal at TBM!Fill up your kitchen with Tefal goodness right now, from kitchen gadgets to household goods.⚡ With a minimum purchase of RM200 & above of any Tefal Cookware and/or electrical products in a single receipt, you can get a FREE 1x Tefal Comfort Flex Angle Spatula worth RM25.90. ⚡ With a minimum purchase of RM300 & above of any Tefal Cookware and/or electrical products in a single receipt, you can get a FREE 1x Tefal Exclusive 24” Umbrella worth 59.90.Shop NOW! at TBM*T&C Applies | While Stock LastsAxtra Rewards any inquiry #Tefal #TefalMalaysia #TefalMY #65thMerdeka #merdekasale #merdeka #merdekapromo #KeluargaMalaysiaTeguhBersama #kitchen #kitchengadget #household #cookware Terms and Conditions: 1. TBM x Celebrate The Malaysian Spirit With Tefal "Offer" is organized by Tan Boon Ming Sdn. Bhd. (494355-D) and governed by these terms and conditions and accompanying details and/or guidelines (if any) as may be issued and specified by TBM. 2. The Offer is valid from 10 Sept – 31 Oct 2022 (promotion period) and applicable to any TBM outlet (refer to and TBM online store (refer to 3. The Offer is available while stocks last or on a first-come, first-served basis. 4. The free gift is only available while stocks last or on a first-come, first-served basis. 5. For any inquiries regarding the offer, you may contact us directly via WhatsApp at 6. TBM reserves the right to amend any of the above terms and conditions without prior notice.